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Mech Orentation

Experimenting with Purvasive Games


Mech Orientation was a project based around experiementing with Purvasive controllers for games.

The project combines VR, Leap Motion and Speech Recognition.

The project was a group project where we design the game as a team but we all we had a specific area to focus on.

For this project I was appointed to focus on the implemntation of the speech recognition used to naviagate menus, restart and quit the game. other functions are used as part of some of the puzzles found in the game. I also wrote and produced the music for the project. We used Unity game engine for the project.



The design process went over a few session but we came up with the inital idea very early on. The premise for the game is that you are learning to use a mech and this is a training facility teaching you the mechs process. the objective is to shoot the robots in the distance using VR, at some point the mech will breakdown and the player needs to fix the mech using the leap motion controls and speech recognition.



See below a poster (made as a part of the assignment) advertising the game and going into detail about the controls.



Below you will find the video essay required for the assignment that explains the full process and what I have done for the project, the video is just over 5 minuters long.

The music for the project is available to listen to below.

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